Top 3 Reasons for Memory Loss

Top 3 Reasons for Memory Loss

Top 3 Reasons for Memory LossAs we age, most of us will be eventually affected by memory loss. Forgetting a person's name or misplacing your keys happens to us all at some point. Understanding common memory loss is an important first step in determining if forgetfulness might lead to a more serious condition.

The top three factors affecting your memory are sleep, nutrition and medication.  Learning about their impact on memory can help your memory stay alert and vivid..

Lack of Sleep: Without sleep, it is hard to form memories and have good recall. Sleep strengthens the bonds between brain cells that help you to store long-term memories. Good sleep is imperative to the brain's ability to reboot.

Nutritional Deficiency: Eating a diet of high-quality fats and proteins is crucial to healthy brain function. Lack of vitamin Bs interferes explicitly with our brain's health and will affect memory. Omega 3s from fatty fish are a critical building block in the brain's ability to store memories and elevate mood. Omegas also protect against the decline of our brains as we age.

Medications: Sleep aids and drugs that sedate you interfere with our memories. Look out for the less apparent medicines like blood pressure meds, antihistamines, and antidepressants where memory loss is concerned. Talk with your doctor about any memory loss issues in case a medication adjustment is necessary.

Regular exercise can lessen the risk of brain decline, memory problems, and dementia. Exercise and diet changes can also help improve your sleep. Eating things like grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil, and other healthy fats can impact your sleep and memory.

If you suffer from sleep or memory loss, getting the correct diagnosis is essential. Contact North Suffolk Neurology for a comprehensive evaluation for memory and sleep disorders.

North Suffolk Neurology is a full-service Neurology, Headache Medicine, and Sleep Medicine practice committed to helping our patients and their families maintain and improve their health. Call us for help at (631) 364-9119.

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