Healthcare News
People may know the best decision—and not make it: study
Source: Medical Xpress
People may choose based on a "gut feeling", a habit, or what worked for them last time, rather than on what they have learned will work most often, said Ian Krajbich, co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology and economics at The Ohio State University.
The impact of the loss of human touch': Suicide hotlines see an increase in calls related to coronavirus
Source: Medical Xpress
When Gov. Tom Wolf issued a stay-at-home order for Philadelphia area residents on March 23, Julie Peticca braced herself for a deluge of calls to the Montgomery County suicide prevention hotline. Peticca, the director of crisis intervention at Montgomery County Emergency Service Inc., knew that isolation could exacerbate mental health issues, especially for people with depression and anxiety.
Be proactive about mental health during COVID isolation, clinical psychologist says
Source: Medical Xpress
Seeking out good news is a great way to keep mentally balanced during the long period of social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 battle, says a clinical psychologist who is an associate professor of psychology at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).
4 good practices for anyone caring for quarantined kids
Source: Medical Xpress
About 55 million U.S. schoolchildren attend schools that have been closed or are being directly affected by the new coronavirus social distancing rules. Erika London Bocknek, a family therapist who studies early childhood development, parenti … nd family resilience, encourages parents and others raising kids to focus on the 4 R's: routines, rules, relationships and rituals.
Migraines linked to higher risk of dementia
Source: Science Daily
Dementia is the most common neurological disease in older adults, whereas headaches, including migraines, are the most common neurological disorder across all ages. In a recent study that included 679 community-dwelling adults aged 65 years and older, migraines were a significant risk factor for dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.