Advanced Neurodiagnostic Testing

Advanced Neurodiagnostic Testing

True North Neurology combines neurological care with specialized experts and innovative solutions. True North Neurology combines neurological care with specialized experts and innovative solutions.

We offer a range of advanced neurodiagnostic testing options to accurately diagnose and effectively treat neurological conditions at all of our locations.

Advanced Neurodiagnostic Testing

For neurovascular conditions, our Commack and Port Jefferson locations offer Doppler testing.

  • NEW 3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

    True North Neuroimaging is an ACR-accredited state-of-the-art MRI facility dedicated to neurological imaging in Port Jefferson Station. With cutting-edge 3T Wide bore technology & subspecialized neuroradiologists, we aim to provide unparalleled imaging services with precision.

    Trust us for excellence in neurological imaging, where innovation meets compassionate care.

    Click here for more info.


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